Friday 21 June 2013

Black, White & Pink card

Hi everyone, dull and grey here today, Summer has gone
AWOL again I fear. It gave me time to do some floor scrubbing,
I must crack on with my Spring/Summer cleaning now I am able.
OH is making some Elderflower champagne again, (non alcoholic),
and everyone seems to like it. He makes more each year as it goes
 so quickly. Our children love it and we never have enough to
 last us all year. Not sure how many large bottles he will do this time!
Anyway I made this card quickly when I saw this week's 
'CAS on Sunday' challenge. Not entered before but it looks like
my kinda challenge.
 I quite fancied making a black ,white and pink
 card too. The pennants were a bit of left-over card from some 
stamping ( end of some stems). I added a few flowers ,leaves,
a butterfly and a computerized sentiment and job done.
Come and have a closer look ...............
ps.Re-weight loss.... I put back on  2 lbs last weekend ( drat!)
but I have managed to lose it again this week. Must watch what I eat
this weekend !....still 5 lbs down so not complaining.
 I had to rescue a bird ( starling ?) from our neighbours house the
 other day. It was 7 am. too, lucky I was up at 6 ish that day.
Grandma was babysitting and asked for my help as she didn't
 know anyone in the street.She was terrified of birds poor lady,
all was going well until I spotted a cat walking through her room.
I quickly stuffed it back in another room then went back to my 
bird watching. I had to just make a dive for it in the end as
 it wouldn't be enticed outside & was starting to fly at the window.
Off it flew, with no injuries ( I am pleased to report) after trying to
 peck me, didn't it know I was trying to help it lol ? On a sadder note
 a female blackbird flew into our window early today and didn't survive.
I quickly checked it wasn't the one I had seen on a nest in our hedge
but she was still there.Hope she didn't have a nest of young ones.
( We do have things on our windows to stop them flying into them too)
as they are very large....must have been just one of those things.


Canonbury creations said...

So pretty Viv, pink and black is a wonderful combination. Wow exciting times dealing with the wild life:) Horrible here today, lots of heavy downpours and still quite humid. We are off to my sister Karen (serendipity dragonfly) tomorrow and then on to Brixham to stay with friends so I'm hoping for some sun!!
Val x
That elderflower champagne sounds gorgeous:)

Gibmiss said...

Hi Viv
Fabulous card... Love that pink...
Hugs sylvie

Sue said...

This is gorgeous Viv. I love the pink flowers.
I hope you have a good weekend
Hugs Sue xx

Nancy said...

Sue...So glad you were able to join us for the first time at CAS on Sunday! Your card talents work well with us! You did a spectacular job with our challenge. I enjoyed reading your blog too! Congrats on the weight loss...that is a tough battle! Have a great weekend!

Glenda Atkins said...

Beautiful card, love the flowers and the dash of pink!

Jackie said...

Another beautiful card Viv, keep them coming :o)
It is such a shame about the blackbird but unfortunately we can't educate them that flying into a closed window is not a good idea!
Jackie xx

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