Thursday 12 January 2012

Predominantly Purple

Hi again, not been a great week for me.
Thankyou to all my lovely friends and
followers here who have been so great
leaving such kind comments/emails, you
are the best.
Quick update below regarding previous post.
My brother is now in a critical condition, just a waiting game I'm afraid. He has a
tumour and nothing more can be done it seems.
I didn't feel like making any cards this week,
but in the end decided to make just one to
help keep my mind off things.I may go missing
shortly so at least you will all know why.
The grandbabies are also due very soon,( see
above right) so I have a few things to sort
and not sure if a funeral or birth will come first.....
Sorry if I don't leave many comments this week
also...but I'm sure you will understand.

Anyway about my card.
Of course it had to be a LIM one again for
the 'Less is More' site. It's a colour one this
week and it's
 Predominantly Purple

I used TH Dusty Concord ink , then I stamped
with the same ink using my new My Paper World
swirls and wording set.I stamped with the swirls first
then I stamped the wording part with Momento
Sweet plum ink.I tore the edge of the card then 3d'd it
on top as a panel. I die cut a butterfly using the
same inked & stamped card, then added embossing
using a Cuttlebug folder . I added some glamour dust
& some purple gems, ( they are purple/green but look
different here as they shine a few colours).I like the idea
of the butterfly matching the card behind it, will be
doing more like this ! Hope you like it too.


Viv said...

A beautiful card my friend and I know it must have been difficult to make.
My Mum used to say 'As one door closes another one opens' so perhaps this is how it will be with your broother and the imminent arrival of the grandbabes. Am thinking of you and sending you hugs. x

Christine L said...

Such a beautiful card Viv....

Christine x

Chrissie said...

I was so sorry to hear your news Viv, what a difficult time it must be for you and my thoughts are with you and your family.
As has already been said one one door closes another opens....
Your card is simply stunning. A fabulous technique with beautiful stamps and a gorgeous butterfly.
Just beautiful!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Such a beautiful card under tragic circumstances, having all brothers, I know how you must feel.

Cally said...

Beautiful card Viv - I am sorry that the news is not good with your brother - but I hope your grand babies come soon. One life ends another begins...

Hugs to you

Karen P said...

Hi Viv, sorry things are so rough for you at the moment, happy and sad are always so close to each other. You are in my thoughts. Beautiful card, lovely colour and placement hugs karen x

Mynn xx said...

So sorry for the news on your brother. :( Thoughts and prayers sent your way. Your card is gorgeous! LOVE that strip of purple with a dimensionalized butterfly! :)

Jackie said...

Oh Viv, I am so sorry to hear about your brother's condition. Thinking of you and your family.....hugs
Your card is so beautiful.
Jackie xx

Mandi said...

Aww Viv im so sorry to read your news. I hadn;t realsied Im really sorry
My thoguths are with you
your card is absolutely stunning

Thanks very much
"Less is More"

Sandra Azzopardi said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother Viv. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this hard time.

Your card looks fantastic! I love that bright splash of purple and the butterfly is gorgeous.


So sorry to hear your sad news Viv - my thoughts are with you at this bitter-sweet time.

Your card is stunning - the layer of torn card looks fabulous, and the butterfly is the perfect embellishment.
Sending {{{hugs}}} - Sylvia xxx

Vicky Hayes said...

Dear Viv, I've just caught up with your sad news and I'm so sorry to hear it. What a very difficult time for you and your family. Thinking of you, Vicky x

I'm glad you're finding a little bit of comfort in your card making. This one is beautiful with its matching butterfly and background.

Sasha said...

Hi Viv,
So sorry to hear such sad news about your brother, how awful for you.

Your card is fabulous! I love your inked strip and gorgeous butterfly:)

Lisa A. said...

Hi Viv!! I am so sorry to read about your brother...I hate cancer!!! I pray that there will be peace, comfort and even some joy in the midst of this time for your brother and your family...hang in there:)!! Your card is stunning!! LOVE the beautiful strip and butterfly...AMAZING(even in the midst of all you're going cool:)!!)!!

Canonbury creations said...

Hi Viv, I'm sorry that I didn't read your post properly the other day and apologies for rabbiting on about babies when you had just relayed the sad news about your brother. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Love your card, it's beautiful:)
Val x

Paper Hearts Handmade Cards said...

So sorry to hear about your brother, I am thinking of you and your family at the emotional time, loving your card too, sending hugs K xx

G Peplow said...

Thinking of you ViV, so sorry to hear about your brother, I was hoping that the news would be better. Your card is beautiful, crafting can be a wonderful escape, take care my friend, Gay xxx

Julie said...

A lovely card indeed. Crafting really does occupy the mind even if it is only for a short time.
So sorry to hear of your brothers condition. Cancer is such a problem for us isn't it. I hope he has good care.
Look after yourself and your family. The new babies will be a joy I'm sure.

kingstonmama said...

This is a truly beautiful card. I love it. So sorry to hear your sad news. Ann

Rosemary said...

stunning card, viv!! congrats on being showcased!!

GinaA said...

You have made a stunning card in spite of your circumstances. Sending hugs and best wishes.

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