Tuesday 12 February 2013

'Melody' silk ribbon necklace set

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you are all well and happy today.
Thankyou to all the  lovely people who asked about my health also.
I am always worse  from  Oct-April , February  being the worst
 time for me.Then is slowly starts to improve every month thank
 heavens. It's the rain which makes it so much worse too.I've had
 Rh. Arthritis for over 30 yrs now so well used to it lol. Hugs
 to anyone else who can't sleep or is suffering too atm., esp. poor
 Sasha  who is only managing 3 hours sleep...oh my!...lots of hugs
 to you Sasha. Had reflexology today again, that helps a lot too!
 Now enough of my rambling and onto my next project to show
 you. Here is another  real silk ribbon variegated colour necklace,
handmade & hand dyed by a very talented artist. I added a
 Swarovski clear key and made some Swarovski earrings to match
the colours in the necklace ribbon. Hope you like my new creations !
ps. Will be added to my website soon.
'Melody'  ribbon necklace
'Melody' Swarovski earrings

'Melody' set


Rosemary said...

another gorgeous set, viv... the ribbon is so pretty. i can see why you like creating with it!

Stamps and Paper said...

What a gorgeous set Viv and just love the colour of your ribbon...what a lovely gift this would make...


ChrisAndCat said...

This is so pretty. The colours remind me of Mystic Topaz.

Sue said...

These are gorgeous Viv, the colours are so beautiful
Take care
hugs Sue

Sasha said...

Such a beautiful set, Viv. Is there no end to your talents? I love the pretty hand died silk ribbon, which looks lovely against your Swarovski crystals.
Thanks for your cyber (((hug))) sending one back to you. It's almost 2.30 am and I'm up drinking tea. It's a good chance to catch up on my blog hopping :) xx

Glenda Atkins said...

Beautiful,fabulous colours!

Christine L said...

Hi Viv...

Oooh more fab jewellery... love the colours you've chosen this time... Can I be oh-so-nosey and ask where you buy your silk ribbon from? I'd love to make a necklace for my youngest daughter out in Bermuda... she'd love it, and as you know, I have all the beads etc in my jewellery making stash!

Big hugs
Christine x

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